
HurryTimer requires WordPress 4.0 or greater, and PHP 5.6 or greater to function correctly.

Installing HurryTimer Free

In your WordPress admin area, follow the steps below to install HurryTimer Free plugin:

  1. Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins

  2. In the search field, search for HurryTimer, then click on Install Plugin

  3. Click on Activate to activate the plugin

Installing HurryTimer Pro

Don’t have the HurryTimer Pro license yet? Click here to select your plan

Before installing HurryTimer Pro, make sure you deactivate the free version if it’s already installed.

1. Click the button "Download" in your purchase confirmation email to download the plugin zip file to your computer.

2. In your WordPress admin, go to Plugins → Add New.

3. Click the "Upload plugin" button, choose the zip file you've just downloaded, and click the "Install Now" button to start installation.

4. Finally, click the button "Activate Plugin".

Activating your HurryTimer Pro license key

To receive automatic updates for HurryTimer Pro, you must activate your license:

  1. Copy the license key you received in your inbox after purchase

  2. In your WordPress admin area, navigate to HurryTimer > License

  3. Paste the license key, and click on Activate License

Once you click the "Activate license" button you should see this message:

Move the license key to another website

  1. Navigate to HurryTimer > License

  2. Click the Deactivate license button and your license key will be removed from the current website .

  3. Now you can activate it on the new website.

Last updated